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A MIT legfrissebb hírei

3 stipends offered for the Spring School on Immunology, March 9-14, 2025, Ettal (Germany)

A hír kategóriája: Pályázatok

A cikk kelte: 2024.09.13.


Dear colleagues,

The German Society for Immunology in a joint effort with IUIS are able to offer 3 full scholarships for students from and studying/working in the low to middle income countries for the Spring School on Immunology organized by the DGfI. The Spring School on Immunology is an advanced training in immunological topics for young scientists with solid knowledge of immunology, e.g. doctoral students in their last year. The next school will take place from March 9 to 14, 2025.

Find all information on the school itself on https://dgfi.org/akademie-fuer-immunologie/spring-school/.

The application has to be done via https://dgfi.org/iuis-dgfi-stipends/.

Deadline for application is October 13, 2024. Application only via https://dgfi.org/iuis-dgfi-stipends/.